
You’re 100% capable of changing your drinking. 

Here’s how I can help

Do You Feel Stuck in an Unbreakable Drinking Habit?

Imagine a Life Where...

And Learn...

Hey there!  I’m Molly. I’m an author, coach and the host of the Alcohol Minimalist podcast.

I used to be just like you. Tell me if this sounds familiar…

Every morning you wake up dedicated to drinking less, but by 5:00 PM,  after you’ve worked a full day,  you’re scrambling to get dinner on the table, shuttling the kids to another activity and trying to fit in your workout too…it all feels overwhelming

Before you know it,  you’re automatically pouring two, three maybe four glasses of wine.  Every night. 

The worst part is, every night, you  question whether change is even possible for you.  You worry that you might have a real problem with alcohol. 

If that sounds like you,  you’re not alone. I was there for 20+ years of my life. 

Now after creating my own peaceful relationship with alcohol, I’ve made it my mission to help other daily habit drinkers do the same. I’ve helped thousands of people through my podcast, book and coaching programs…are you ready to change?

Let's do this together!

Choose the Level of Support that's right for you...




What's Inside?

All Levels Include:

Module One: Setting up Success

Before I head out on a trip, I like to see the itinerary. That's what Module One is all about. We're laying the foundation, setting some expectations and previewing what's to come. It's not long, but it's still important. Don't skip ahead.

Module Two: Awareness First

We can't change what we can't see and the first step to creating a peaceful relationship with alcohol is awareness. Inside this module you're learn how science, society and the alcohol industry challenge us and how we can practice staying mindful of our own thinking.

Module Three: Doable Drink Plan

Learn why making a doable drink plan is such an important part of changing your drinking habits, the practice of continuous improvement and when we don't plan. (Hint:Never)

Module Four: BMRC One Life Changing Tool

At the bottom of the pyramid, the foundation of the Peace & Power Framework,is the BMRC. This one tool is a metaskill that can be applied to any habit that doesn't serve you. Mastering the BMRC requires time and practice...this is the module to get you started!

Module Five: The Off-Plan Plan

Having a Doable Drink Plan is important and even more important might be the Off-Plan Plan. In this module, I'll be teaching you how to use compassion and curiosity to learn from missteps, the value of struggle and why we go off plan in the first place.

Module Six: Your Beautiful, Brilliant, Brain

We're talking about becoming a mental ninja! In this module we'll keep educating ourselves on the science of alcohol and neuroscience. We'll learn why finding a tribe and learning together can speed up your results.

Module Seven: Moving Forward as an Alcohol Minimalist

You've been doing great work and it's work that we want to keep doing for the resto of our lives. In this module, we'll undo urges, practice new beliefs and remind ourselves that we can always dive back in.

In 2021, I published Breaking the Bottle Legacy, which is now a best-seller on Amazon and has become a gamechanger for so many people. This book outlines everything you need to know create sustainable change.

This is the only place you will find a copy of Breaking the Bottle Legacy: How to Change your Drinking Habits and Create a Peaceful Relationship with Alcohol in audio format.

And if you’ve listened to my podcast, you know what to expect:

  • An audiobook that’s easy to listen to
  • Down to earth and highly listenable voice that sounds like a fireside chat
  • A positive tone of voice that keeps you inspired

Making Peace with Alcohol PLUS Includes:

Two monthly group coaching calls that are recorded if you can't make it live!

Forum for direct support from Molly.

Private Podcast for members only.

Accountability partners or small groups to support your journey.

Video Training for creating new beliefs!

Quarterly workshops to tackle your biggest challenges.

Who is this right for?

Need to Relax Drinkers

If you believe you need a drink to relax every day, I hear you. This was me for decades. Inside Making Peace with Alcohol, you'll learn how to challenge the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a habit that no longer serves you.

Unbreakable Habit Drinkers

Being stuck in an unbreakable habit is so frustrating. Inside Making Peace with Alcohol, you'll learn how to work with your brain and undo the urge to drink.

Worried All the Time Drinkers

Do you live in a constant state of worry and anxiety about your drinking but you're not sure you want to stop drinking alcohol forever? Drink less or stop drinking all together, I'll teach you how to make the choice easier (and sustainable.)

But don't just take my word for it...

"I feel better overall and happy with my relationship with alcohol, food and more. Thank you for the enormous gift of information and encouragement."
Julie D.
"I have been able to reduce my drinking without feeling deprived. I have continued to be social and have not fled nor feared situations in which others choose to drink.."
Theresa N.
" I know this is a long road and that it is a forever road, but I also can see hope. The things I’ve done and the progress I’ve made in just 30 days speak to that. “
Julie W.
"I learned that by following the science and paying attention to my brain chemistry along with behavioral cues, I could change a habit that wasn't serving me. The six months spent in community with others, was powerful and transformative."
Nancy S.
"Your program has given me so many tools to move myself away from that daily pattern of drinking and high weekly drink counts. I started with one AF day a week and that felt like such a hurdle and now I am able to consistently have three AF days per week."
Stephanie K.
"What I learned the most is that we are all a life-long work in progress…and WE are in charge of the choices we make! Facing forward and not getting down about the past is an ongoing lesson for me and Molly has been a constant motivator to keep me focused on that path. I truly value the science."
Dorothy D.
MW (4 of 5) Resize

Imagine where you could be even one month from now.

You're ready to stop over-drinking and change your drinking habits.

You're ready to stop worrying about your drinking.

You're ready to take action using a proven method that will make change sustainable.

You're ready for Making Peace with Alcohol.