
Stop worrying and start changing your drinking.

A science-based strategy to eliminate your excuses and wipe out your worries!

Real science. 

Simple Tools. 

Proven Results. 

Join Making Peace with Alcohol and Learn

Just Imagine…

  • Feeling confident in your ability to take or leave alcohol. 
  • Making and keeping promises to yourself about drinking, easily
  • Not worrying about your drinking, ever.
  • Choosing how to include alcohol in your life without fear or regret. 

I spent many years (decades really)  stuck in a daily drinking habit. My alcohol consumption was by definition…heavy. 

I drank two or three drinks nightly and more on the weekends, on vacation, at parties or for “the game.”

  • I drank when I was celebrating.
  • I drank when I had a bad day. 
  • I drank when I was stressed.
And I was stressed a lot. I was anxious all the time.
In fact, I would have told you that I needed to drink to help me unwind. 
Even though my drinking habit was actually my
biggest worry.

In 2019, I finally acknowledged that unless I changed my relationship with alcohol...I was never going to have peace.
The habit felt unbreakable but I was committed to figuring it out.
And I did.

Since then, I've helped hundreds of people do the same.

Less alcohol.

Less worry.
More peace.

I want the same for you. Let's do this together.

This is how it works...

>>You have immediate (and lifetime) access to the online course curriculum, Step One.
>>12 month access to:
Group Coaching
Ask Molly Q&A Forum
Better Together Accountability Partners
Break Glass Private Podcast.

Option #1

You get immediate access to everything  above for 12  MONTHS. Only $299 for twelve months of community access and LIFETIME access to all Step One course materials.  That’s less than $1.00 per day. If you want to make three payments–that’s possible too and it’s $119 per payment or a total of $357.

Option #2

Only available at the time of registration, you can add on two (:45) minute  1: 1 coaching sessions . We’ll meet before you access the course and then half-way through. Only available at registration. You can add these two sessions on to either the pay-in-full or three-payment option!  Remember: only offered at registration.                  

Less alcohol. Less worry. More peace.

Who is this right for?

Need to Relax Drinkers

If you believe you need a drink to relax every day, I hear you. This was me for decades. Inside Making Peace with Alcohol, you'll learn how to challenge the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a habit that no longer serves you.

Unbreakable Habit Drinkers

Being stuck in an unbreakable habit is so frustrating. Inside Making Peace with Alcohol, you'll learn how to work with your brain and undo the urge to drink.

Worried All the Time Drinkers

Do you live in a constant state of worry and anxiety about your drinking but you're not sure you want to stop drinking alcohol forever? Drink less or stop drinking all together, I'll teach you how to make the choice easier (and sustainable.)

Need to Relax Drinkers

If you believe you need a drink to relax every day, I hear you. This was me for decades. Inside Making Peace with Alcohol, you'll learn how to challenge the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a habit that no longer serves you.

Unbreakable Habit Drinkers

Being stuck in an unbreakable habit is so frustrating. Inside Making Peace with Alcohol, you'll learn how to work with your brain and undo the urge to drink.

Worried All the Time Drinkers

Do you live in a constant state of worry and anxiety about your drinking but you're not sure you want to stop drinking alcohol forever? Drink less or stop drinking all together, I'll teach you how to make the choice easier (and sustainable.)

But don't just Take My word for it...

"I feel better overall and happy with my relationship with alcohol, food and more. Thank you for the enormous gift of information and encouragement."
Julie D.
"I have been able to reduce my drinking without feeling deprived. I have continued to be social and have not fled nor feared situations in which others choose to drink.."
Theresa N.
" I know this is a long road and that it is a forever road, but I also can see hope. The things I’ve done and the progress I’ve made in just 30 days speak to that. “
Julie W.
"I learned that by following the science and paying attention to my brain chemistry along with behavioral cues, I could change a habit that wasn't serving me. The six months spent in community with others, was powerful and transformative."
Nancy S.
"Your program has given me so many tools to move myself away from that daily pattern of drinking and high weekly drink counts. I started with one AF day a week and that felt like such a hurdle and now I am able to consistently have three AF days per week."
Stephanie K.
"What I learned the most is that we are all a life-long work in progress…and WE are in charge of the choices we make! Facing forward and not getting down about the past is an ongoing lesson for me and Molly has been a constant motivator to keep me focused on that path. I truly value the science."
Dorothy D.

What's Inside?

Module One: Setting up Success

Before I head out on a trip, I like to see the itinerary. That's what Module One is all about. We're laying the foundation, setting some expectations and previewing what's to come. It's not long, but it's still important. Don't skip ahead.

Module Two: Sustainable Change Starts Here

We can't change what we can't see and the first step to creating a peaceful relationship with alcohol is awareness. Inside this module you're learn how science, society and the alcohol industry challenge us and how we can practice staying mindful of our own thinking.

Module Three: The Doable Drink Plan

Learn why making a doable drink plan is such an important part of changing your drinking habits, the practice of continuous improvement and when we don't plan. (Hint:Never)

Module Four: BMRC One Life Changing Tool

At the bottom of the pyramid, the foundation of the Peace & Power Framework,is the BMRC. This one tool is a metaskill that can be applied to any habit that doesn't serve you. Mastering the BMRC requires time and practice...this is the module to get you started!

Module Five: The Off-Plan Plan

Having a Doable Drink Plan is important and even more important might be the Off-Plan Plan. In this module, I'll be teaching you how to use compassion and curiosity to learn from missteps, the value of struggle and why we go off plan in the first place.

Module Six: Your Beautiful, Brilliant, Brain

We're talking about becoming a mental ninja! In this module we'll keep educating ourselves on the science of alcohol and neuroscience. We'll learn why finding a tribe and learning together can speed up your results.

Module Seven: Moving Forward as an Alcohol Minimalist

You've been doing great work and it's work that we want to keep doing for the resto of our lives. In this module, we'll undo urges, practice new beliefs and remind ourselves that we can always dive back in.

You get lifetime access to all course curriculum.

Better Together is my customized accountability partnership and groups option. 

Ask Molly is a direct forum to ask me questions and get answers. 

Twelve onths of group coaching is included! If you can’t make it, there’s a recording available. 

Got questions? I've got answers!

No you don’t. You never have to be completely alcohol-free (unless you decide that’s where peace is for you). I include alcohol in my life in a minimal way that is completely peaceful for me and I encourage you to determine what that means for you. You will learn A LOT about alcohol that helps you challenge some of your current thinking about it and over time, drinking less and including multiple alcohol-free days in your life will feel like second nature.
“There is only one thing that will prevent this program for not working for you and that is if you quit doing it. If you keep going, and keep practicing all elements of the Peace & Power framework, this program will work for you. Plain and simple–it works if you do the work. “

If you do the work and this program doesn’t work for you, then yes you can absolutely get your money back.
You have to do put forth some effort and share that work with me because change doesn’t happen just because you finish the course or read the book.
It happens when you follow-through with action.
I can teach you how, but you still have to make it happen in your life.
If you’re really doing the work and not finding success then let me know. 

It starts as soon as you join! You have immediate access to everything including the course, the coaching and the community connection.
All you have to do is sign up and you’ll get everything delivered straight to your inbox within about 15 minutes.

So you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next year! (Though my vote is for starting sooner rather than later!)

I’ll bet that those previous attempts revolved around a lot of rules and restrictions around the action of drinking.
I would venture a guess that you’ve never really understood the connection between how the habit works in your life
and how your unconscious stories and beliefs are fueling your desire to drink.
Making Peace with Alcohol uses a unique combination of science and cognitive behavioral therapy to help you change your habit from
inside. And, the only way you won’t be successful is if you quit trying. Life time access, remember? 

Your membership in Making Peace with Alcohol is six months. We’ll send you a reminder and after that, it’s $25/month EXCEPT that you have lifetime access to all Step One materials.  Pretty cool, right? 

Take advantage of the opportunity for 1:1 coaching. Most coaches in my space are charging twice as much for 1:1 coaching (and
that’s if you can even get them 1:1). This is the one part of this program that is completely optional and it costs extra but it’s also where
I’ve seen people get the best (and fastest) results.

Imagine where you could be even one month from now.

You're ready to stop over-drinking and change your drinking habits.

You're ready to stop worrying about your drinking.

You're ready to take action using a proven method that will make change sustainable.

You're ready for Making Peace with Alcohol.